year end launch review analysis
So, what happened in your business this past year?

If the thought of going through all the numbers and creating a spreadsheet of data makes your skin crawl, this episode may be just what you need.

If you’re feeling resistant – that’s okay.

Today you’ll learn a simple process to help you review your launches, your overall business, and it’ll show you immediately what you need to focus on as we make our way into the new year.

No spreadsheets required. I promise.

And all you have to do is answer a few simple questions.

Not only will your answers help you figure out why your launches performed the way they did (this year, last month, last week), but also, you’ll get clues on how to improve them in the year ahead.

Bonus: Whether you’re listening to this episode at the end of the year, end of the month or any time during the year – if you haven’t reviewed what’s happening in your business for awhile, there’s never a better time like the present to do that.

Before we dive into the topic of reviewing… and really digging in to see what’s been happening–

Here’s what I don’t want you to do…

Don’t use this as an opportunity to berate yourself, get disappointed, feel shame, or any negative self-punishment we do as humans…

Do this review for the detective in you, for the curious cat in you, for the scientist looking for a cure…

Keep asking questions like ,”Hmm, wonder how that worked?”

Whether your launches worked or didn’t or kinda did–if you look at the answers as new experiments you can perform the next time you launch, you’ll end the year proud of ALL of your accomplishments.

Are you with me?

So – yes, we’re going to flip what you’d normally see as a list of mistakes, things you missed, reasons why you’ll never reach your goals and turn them into a list of your next steps.

This is a different kind of review that will have you looking at yourself, how you’re showing up for the people in your audience, and exactly what you’re offering.

In this episode I walk you through:

More Review Resources

Need Help Launching?

If you like what you hear in this episode, make sure to check out my free masterclass that walks you through the 4 Step Process To A Profitable Launch I also teach in depth in my signature program Fearless Launching. (I’m teaching it in this masterclass for free!)

I can’t wait to hear about your launch reviews and how you’re taking action on the things you used to call mistakes!

Happy holidays – and see ya soon!

review year of launches