mid year business check-in

A few years ago, I shared how I like to do two big reviews of my business. One mid-year business review and one at the end of the year.

Whether you’re just getting started in your business or you’ve been up and running for years, this one of those times when you get to reflect, pause and then make decisions about the next 3-6 months.

They can be invaluable to your growth. The more aware you are of what’s working, what’s not, what you said you were going to do vs. what you didn’t do…

So, how has this year been going for you?

Are you happy with your progress so far? And is your business growing?

Let’s dig in and find out together.

Did you make the money you thought you would? Did your list grow? Did you do all the things you said you were going to? Start and finish projects on your goals list?

If you want a clear picture of how things are going, you should do a business review. I usually do them just before the mid-point in the year and just before the end of the year.

In today’s episode we’ll talk about:

    • The process I use to do my mid-year review
    • Why this reflection time can be done any time during the year
    • Rituals you should add to your daily, weekly, and monthly schedule
    • How these rituals prepare you to create a launch plan you can actually follow through on
    • Choosing your next launch open/close dates

And I invite you to join my planning masterclass. I’m unveiling the updated training this month and will be hosting a live Q & A as well as adding some requested tools you’ve been asking for!

Planning Resources Mentioned On The Show

Now it’s your turn

Once you finish your mid-year review, pop back here and let me know what you discovered? Anything come as a surprise once you really took a look at everything that happened the first part of this year?

Can’t wait to connect with you more!

midyear business review
