5 most common launch challenges handled
Communication challenges can crop up DAILY when you’re running a business.

The problem is often really simple.

We question whether we’re saying the right things to the right people at the right time or in the right way.

It always comes back to that!

In today’s episode, we’re going to walk through the 5 most common launch communication challenges, why they are happening and a few ways to lean in and handle them!

You’ll want to pay close attention to each challenge – once you identify where you struggle the most, you’ll be able to make some easy corrections and changes…

We’ll cover these 5 challenges:

  • When do I get started “talking” about my launch and where?
  • When and how do I switch to selling?
  • I feel weird and awkward repeating my messages!
  • What if no one opens the email or buys my product?
  • What to do if you’re tired after a launch

Challenge #1: Getting Started

You don’t know when to get started or where (finding your audience/channel) lead-in is all about getting used to the sound of your voice — you getting used to it and also your clients/customers too! So, you can’t be worried about the right place or the right time…your goal is simply to connect, reach out, and share who you are with others. Make mistakes. Apologize. Let people know you are real. Use your voice and just get used to showing up. Asking questions. Be curious about the people who show up and like what you’re doing.

There’s a fun exercise to help you get started inside The Message Lab…you’ll go from stressing about sounding weird to having so much fun telling people what you offer.

Challenge #2: Switching To Selling

You don’t know how to switch to selling (the reason it feels tough selling is because you don’t know your peeps and they don’t know you or you do and haven’t been speaking to them regularly. Get regular and you’ll start seeing what works and what doesn’t. What they respond to and what we don’t! The best example of someone I’ve worked with in the past – who has the most effortless way of launching it’s insane – is Denise DDT aka you want to hide but do need to start teasing what you’re selling)

Challenge #3: Too Much Communication

You feel weird emailing so much or repeating your message! (sometimes even when you know your peeps, you’ll feel shy. This is the pre-launch and it’s okay to feel weird and awkward and kinda annoying. Some people will think you are being those things…and you want them to leave. But it’s important to understand and embrace human psychology. PEOPLE need to hear your message and pieces of your message multiple times, see you, hear you, read you delivering it to see that yes, it applies to them.

Challenge #4: Fear

Fear that no one will pay attention when you say you’re open/launching?

This fear can start from many different places – fear of failure, rejection, worry that no one cares or even needs you, feelings of lack, and feelings related to the way you value yourself. The way to handle this fear is to go back to the first three challenges and do the work. The more you know about your audience, the more often you connect with them, the more you listen to who they are and what they are struggling with, THE LESS you’ll feel that they’ll reject you. When you know how you’re talking to or creating something for, it makes it more likely they’ll show up and want to be part of what you’re doing.

There is no set-it-and-forget-it time when everything is perfect, but if you’re making a point of showing up every single day.

Challenge #5: Post-Launch Siesta

Keep momentum going even after the launch (post-launch) – even when you want to go off the grid.

Yes, we’re all guilty of wanting to shut the shades and go to sleep after the launch, but this is one of the most important times to show up, keep giving value, and get more information. Deliver that product. Show care and compassion even to those who didn’t open their wallets. So – do this – send out a thank you email to your list, to the people who were opening and clicking and responding to your launch. Give them something. And then when a few days have passed, ask them why they didn’t purchase. What can you do to find out what they do need and what they ARE struggling with….

And then start the cycle again.

Why Are These Challenges?

Believe it or not – the reason these communication challenges are challenges is because they show you what the main phases of your launch can trigger.

If you did nothing else than look at a launch as communication and see what has to be said, shared, and done at each step of the process, you’d be further along than you can imagine and your launches would perform even better, your audience would feel the love – so even when they don’t hit buy now, there is a good likelihood they will in the future!

Now It’s Your Turn

Time to go back through the challenges listed above and ask yourself what areas you could improve! Remind yourself about what to do during each phase of your launch – it will always come back to how you communicate.

I would love it if you’d jump to the comments now and share your biggest challenge when it comes to communicating with your audience — whether it’s during a launch or not. And then tell me what you think you’ll do to GET IT HANDLED.

Mentioned In This Episode

Your 5 Biggest Launch Communication Challenges Handled


