
Why I Love Making Small Changes To Create Big Shifts

How do you change your business? By making big moves and taking big risks? Not always. What if making small tweaks to your business or marketing could create big shifts? Over these last five years, I had a mission to show you how to launch without trying to mimic or copy or use a one size fits all approach. And […]


Don’t Forget Your Business When You’re Launching (A.K.A Get Out of the Launch Bubble)

Are you in the launch bubble? If you’re heads-down, hyper-focused, and taking daily action toward your next launch….yes, you are in what I call the launch bubble. You feel good, kind of excited, a little obsessed…but it’s because you can feel the progress you’re making. Focus is good, right? While I’m a huge fan of focus and consistent progress…I’m wondering how […]


Is it time to move beyond JUST online courses?

How many online courses have you purchased over the life of your business? Do you find yourself just buying and buying online courses all the time? We all start needing to learn things. So we take the courses, we download things…and we get to work. Maybe we’re in this cycle of downloading and doing for years. At some point, I […]


How To Shift Focus & Pivot When Something’s Off In Your Business

Let’s face it – it’s hard to know when to shift focus in business…especially when we put hours, months, and sometimes years into it! And…it’s easy for anyone to forget we are the boss…especially as we hire team members, coaches, join masterminds, enroll in courses, and build our business. We’ve got so many people giving us advice or input…that we […]