January 10th, 2019
Make These 4 Promises To Yourself (& Your Business) In 2019
This is it.
The year.
Your breakout year. Your time.
Whether you say this to yourself every year or every day…
It’s time to take action now.
And I don’t mean planning your next launch or scheduling a webinar or ANYTHING LIKE THAT.
Those are one-time things.
Before you do ANY OF THAT, focus on how you show up every day for your audience…
Use this time of year to face, kickstart, and make some changes.
If you’re ready to start building your platform, and your brand, and be more visible, expand your audience…then I challenge you to make 4 simple promises to yourself (and your business).
Each one of these promises is a specific mistake that you might be making regularly (and you’ll know right away if you are).
Once you really face each and every one of these “mistakes”, you’ll be building a more memorable brand, connecting with more of the right people, and most importantly building trust and confidence in yourself.
In this episode, I’m sharing:
- 4 promises you can make to yourself and take action on every single day
- Why each promise is so important to the way your audience sees you and determines if they’ll ever become a customer
- What you’re denying your audience of learning by not taking a leadership role
- Why you should never “fake it till you make it” and what to do instead
You might notice that each of the promises come back to how you communicate. When you learn how to strengthen this muscle… your launches will improve, you won’t need to rely on your webinar or email alone to make the sale.
Launches are simply a series of communication…and the messages get sent out way before the doors open to your product.
The sooner you start embracing these mistakes, making them your action steps, your promises to yourself, the better!
And, finally – there’s one more way to promise I want you to make…keep learning about launching.
Learn a system that is easy to follow and keep following. Know what stage of the process your on. Know your process and follow your system. Whatever it might be. Follow my system or someone else’s.
I like mine because it’s basic and allows you to add on ANY strategy you want. Decide what will work for you before you commit to a specific type of launch. So – head over to annesamoilov.com/masterclass if you want to learn this process.
And that is it!