If you’ve been building a business online, you’ve likely watched plenty of people and businesses launch.
Things like…video series, blog series, Instagram challenges, Upsells, Downsells, birthday sales, tax sales, back to school sales, early bird and VIP launches….
Now you don’t need to do all or even any of these strategies in order to have a successful business.
But what if it COULD be the thing that pushes your business needle? Something that adds to your bottom line?
And if you have been watching – like me – then you’ve witnessed different sales strategies in action.
Today, I wanted to share some of these sales and promotion strategies with you…including:
- Promotions that I likely won’t use any time soon and why
- Sales strategies that just don’t make sense to me
- How I like to sell my products and services and why
- How to know what’s right for your business and your next launch
- My huge disclaimer (i.e. why I might change my mind)
[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/fearlesslaunching/048salesstrategies.mp3″ color=”008494″ title=”Fearless Launching Show Episode 48″ ]
What You Should Do Right Now
You’ve got 2 more things you can do right now – both require you to take one more action. If you’d be so kind and have a moment, I would so appreciate you even doing 1 of these…especially if you love the show and want to get featured on a future episode!
- First thing – Jump over to itunes to rate and review the Fearless Launching show and help other people find it too!
- Second thing — Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment below or shoot me an email!