April 4th, 2019
Scared to Launch? Here’s How To Stand Out In A Crowded Market
Tell me if this sounds familiar.
You get an amazing idea for a product, course or something else you want to create and launch to the world. You start brainstorming all the amazing things … it literally comes pouring out of you.
Maybe right along with this brainstorm, you start talking to friends about it…because you are literally THAT excited.
Have you ever been so excited about your idea and then found out that it has already been done? Or maybe you knew that it was already done many times over, so you’ve spent years telling yourself, “Don’t you dare create that!” or “Don’t waste your time!”
Heck, I’ve had that same idea with my signature program, Fearless Launching! How many people are teaching about launching, launch strategy, or some type of launching or even something related to launching?
Let’s just say A LOT.
If you have experienced this or are experiencing it right now, today’s episode is for you. You might just discover some simple tools to getting through those thoughts and creating something EVEN WHEN it’s being done by many other people.
Tonya Dalton is the founder of Inkwell Press, a company with a variety of planning and productivity tools as well as resources & education to help you be more productive.
She sells planners. Look around and you’ll see lots of planner companies. You’ll also see lots of entrepreneurs jump on the crowded market to share their own personal planning process.
So, Tonya is a MUST LISTEN TO WOMAN…who’s managed to carve out a very successful business in a very HOT market (but it’s been hot for years…and because I’m a planner girl, let me just tell you, it’s not cooling down anytime soon).
In today’s episode we’re talking about:
- How Tonya transitioned into running her first business
- What happened when she discovered her business wasn’t making her happy
- How she developed the idea of Inkwell Press
- The first product Inkwell Press launched
- Specific marketing strategies she used to build her list FROM ZERO people
- What she did on a daily basis to make sure she was moving in the right direction
- How her business has evolved now 4 years later and what she’s doing to stay excited, happy, and satisfied!
Are you thinking about creating something for a crowded market or you think might become one?
Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you develop the product. I think these will help you get to the core WHY behind your business. Open up a notebook or journal and get to writing!
- What’s your bigger vision for your business?
- Why do you think this product can help you reach that vision?
- What dream do want to come true for your ideal customers and for your audience?
- What is one thing you can do right now to figure out your next or first step?
- When would you like to share your product with the world? (don’t think of the how just yet)
Connect With Tonya Dalton & Inkwell Press
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Productivity Tools
Productivity Paradox
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Mentioned On This Episode
Now It’s Your Turn
Once you listen to today’s episode and answer the questions about your own product, leave a comment below or reach out on social media to share what you want to create! Who cares if someone is also doing this!
If you enjoyed today’s episode about launching with a clear vision even when your idea is “already done”…. join me for a free launch workshop starting NEXT WEEK!

Have a great rest of your week and I’ll talk to you soon!