environment make or break launch

Question. Does your physical environment affect your business?

Look around you.

Chances are… you work from home and if you’re anything like me, your eyes went directly to the places that probably need a bit of uncluttering.

What do you see? Is there a ton of clutter? Stacks of paper? Dust?

The beginning of any year begs us to take stock of our lives, of our work…and look for ways to improve, clean things up and make a fresh start.

But there’s a bigger reason why it’s important to pay attention to our physical environment, especially if we’re launching, working and growing our businesses from home.

Clutter could be ruining your launches, causing you unnecessary stress and making you an unhealthy entrepreneur.

Today we’re talking to Joann Krall – a home and personal organizer who knows firsthand the impact of clutter. She’s made it her life mission to give people the tools to overcome clutter.

I had a feeling clutter wasn’t going to be just something you need to clean up before the in-laws come over…nope, in this episode we talk about the impact it can have on your launches, your productivity, your creativity…the way you work.

[bctt tweet=”Not sure you need something? Ask if you love it or need it. If the answer is no, get rid of it.” username=”annesamoilov”]

And if you work from home – this isn’t something you can just sweep under the rug if you care about the future of your business.

Highlights From The Show

  • How physical and mental clutter (worries, to-do list) can both affect productivity.
  • Why digital clutter can be even more damaging to our stress levels.
  • Why should we do this right now at the beginning of the year?
  • What are a few easy tips to handle this clutter? Where should we start?
  • Easy questions we can ask ourselves to clear the clutter.

Bottom Line

My big takeaway from this conversation with Joann is that clutter means something different to different people. If you love the craziness of a room filled with video gear and papers flying out the printer, or a mass of books in the middle of the table – great. If you like your space clear, clean, and as minimal as possible – that’s fine too. It’s all how it makes you feel.

But your environment and the way you feel about it does have an impact on what you produce and how well you produce it in your business. So – take time today to think about this!

Resources Mentioned On The Show

Joann’s website
Clearing A Path To Peace (Joann’s program)
Take the quiz: Discover your organization style
The White Space Solution (e-book)
Getting Things Done by David Allen

So the question is…does your home or workspace support your business? Or could it use a little decluttering?

See ya next week!

p.s. If you enjoyed this episode or any others on the Fearless Launching Show, I would love it if you’d head over to iTunes, subscribe, rate and review the podcast!

Can Your Environment Make or Break Your Next Launch


