One of the best ways to develop an online course or create and perfect a new product is to do a beta launch of it before you go live for the masses.

Even with a small audience, doing a beta launch – takes the pressure off, let’s you experiment with everything from the product all the way to how you get people interested in that product.

So, a few years ago, I decided to create a brand new program…and instead of hiding out in a cave for 3 months to create it, I invited 18 people to go through the content with me, as I created WITH THEM.

I wasn’t sure I would share this story with you now…but honestly, when I was reviewing the beta I ran during that summer of 2017…not only how I felt about it, but what my participants gained, I realized now was a great time to share that with you.



  1. Doing a beta program for something new has been an amazing experience and I’ve learned so much… I’ll share some of those highlights today
  2. Early this week I opened applications for the next round of what finally has a name. You’ll find out more about The Message Lab down below!

So as you’re listening today I’m hoping you’ll:

  1. Get inspired to put your ideas into motion and realize you don’t have to get fancy at all. I’ve got plenty of proof besides myself to share on this.
  2. Get some new ideas on how you can launch your own beta.
  3. Learn from my mistakes and missteps during the process, because let me tell you there were plenty.
  4. Learn from what went really well, what was unexpected…and what the plan is for 2018.
  5. Be curious and excited to apply for the next round and fill out my final group of founding members – as of this recording we have just over 20 spots available. Once those are filled, price increases, doors won’t open again for another 3-6 months, and well…there’s always magic in that first round of a program.

Okay – so first of all, let’s start with what a beta is and why you might want to launch one.

What is a beta program and why it might be a perfect first launch for you?

A Beta really is just a test run of a program, a software, a thing you’ve created. In most cases, you release or launch a beta because you need more feedback, you want real people testing it… so in a way – it’s just a test!

All sorts of companies like game companies, software companies do beta tests. But – you can really do them in any industry and for anything.

It’s a chance to get human feedback without saying, “Hey, give me feedback.”

It allows you to enroll people in a similar way you would if you were launching, deliver the content or material or product just like they would during a public launch.

You can do this beta by personal invites, applications, a link to join, or any way you want.

But the outcome you want if you’re creating an online course or program or product is feedback and results. You want to give the best experience possible to your testers and you also want great results from them and feedback to help you improve the program.

Here’s the one thing you should know – you could view almost every “first time out” as a test even if you don’t call it that. Because everything in business is a test.

Listen to the episode and you’ll hear how we talked about:

  • Exactly How I Launched The Beta
  • Mistakes I Made + Lessons Learned
  • What Made The Beta Experience Rock
  • The Unexpected Surprises That Made The Beta A Huge Success
  • The Message Lab

Now It’s Your Turn

Are you creating your first product or next product and thinking about doing a beta program? Let me know in the comments below!

What’s The Message Lab all about?

We walk through 5 phases of your launch – what you should say at each stage…but more than that you’ll discover where YOU should say/share/publish and do at each phase of a planned out launch. If you want to really dig into your message and how to share what you do and why YOU are the person for your audience to work with – this is the program for you.

The Message Lab helps you clarify your message, put it on the page, and then use that message to create all the communication and content you’ll need NO MATTER WHAT TYPE of online product launch you do!

If you’re interested in applying, make sure you get on the list here,

See ya next week!

P.S. If you enjoyed this episode or any others on the Fearless Launching Show, I would love it if you’d head over to iTunes, subscribe, rate and review the podcast.

beta launch your next course












