July 30th, 2015
Do Your Customers Want Self-Paced Products or Live Programs? (The answer might surprise you!)
Raise your hand if you like to work solo.
Whether it’s working out, taking classes, writing, running your business, everyone’s got a slightly different style of working and learning.
I know that for the most part I love to work in solitude and then peek my head out when I’m done to get the next step. Some of the best online learning experiences were ones where I had to show up every single day, though…
I’m curious now about your audience. How do they like to consume your content? Where do they consume it? Do they want to do it at their own pace, in the dead of night, on the beach?
Or do they want the camaraderie of the group, the class, the mastermind?
Today’s episode of the Fearless Launching Show explores this question and shares why it’s important for you to know as you go into your next launch.
[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/fearlesslaunching/064howyouraudiencelearns.mp3″ color=”008494″ title=”Fearless Launching Show Episode 64″ ]
If you’ve ever wondered why your in person retreat didn’t sell out or sell any seats…is it because your current audience doesn’t really like to travel? If your 2 week bootcamp sold out in a day and the same content in a 6 month program sold nothing… it could be because of this decision and HOW/when you deliver it?
I share my own story of deciding to offer a Solo version of Fearless Launching, the questions I asked myself to determine whether working solo would allow people to get the most out of the content or not.
And because I’m so excited about this topic and providing a new way for people to choose when and how they want to learn, head over to my online shop now.
Additional Resources You Might Find Helpful
4 People You Need On Your Micro Business Team – Tara Gentile’s post where she talks about the concept – “Business Is A Social Act”.
Interesting article about choosing self-paced or live classes (US News article)
8 Questions To Ask Before You Make Your Online Products Evergreen
Free Resources!
1) Free Launch Planner: Grab this completely free launch planning workbook. Download, print, and start planning your launch today — don’t forget to add in the test and secure your website tasks!
2) Free Systems Cheatsheet: A Free Checklist & Cheatsheet to make sure your systems are in order before you launch — plus the one I mentioned on the podcast today!
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Of course, I’d love to know what you thought about today’s episode. Leave a comment below or shoot me an email!