
[Behind The Scenes] Should I Switch To ConvertKit + Teachable?

We’re all guilty of it. In the attempt to make our businesses run smoother, more efficiently, and help us get more done, we attempt to upgrade and uplevel anything we can get our hands on. Combine that with the dreaded shiny object syndrome and you’ve got a serious recipe for procrastination, overwhelm, and that feeling that nothing will work until […]


How To Run Your Business With Evernote and Asana with Natasha Vorompiova

If you’ve ever struggled to get your business organized, under control, or hired a VA that you literally couldn’t figure out what/how to delegate to them, this episode is for you! Natasha Vorompiova has helped hundreds of entrepreneurs embrace systems in a practical, customized approach. Her two main tools of choice are Evernote and Asana. She’s even said that you […]


3 Simple Ways To Measure and Track Your Website Traffic

You launched. You set sales goals. You pretty much reached them all. You are happy beyond belief. And you know that it means you can launch this course, this book, this thing you just launched…AGAIN. If you want to get even better results on your next launch or turn a, you have to know why it rocked… Knowing why it […]