You’re in the middle of a launch and you wonder, how do I get more people to pay attention, how do I make more sales?

Whether everything is working but you know you can improve your launch OR nothing’s working and you’ve got to dig yourself out of that launch hole….

Today’s episode shares 5 simple strategies for improving WHATEVER is going on in your launch.

Plus, I’ve included a workbook of strategies you can get started with today to turn your launch around or PLAN to do during your next launch.


Biggest Takeaways You Don’t Want to Miss:

  • Why sometimes the most simple or seemingly small change can turn ANY launch around.
  • 5 strategies from my brand new workbook: 20 Launch Recovery strategies. Sometimes it’s one thing that turns on the faucet of visitors to your sales page. Sometimes it’s a combination of strategies…sometimes it’s sending 1 more email.
  • Why some of the best and easiest ways to turnaround around a launch most people are unwilling to do…and it’s crazy because they are so powerful!
  • The bottom line when it comes to turning around projects that aren’t working like we think they should — this one mindset shift is going to impact your entire business.

So, can we stop the whining people?

Once you have the tools to know what’s not working and how to turn those around… you’ve got no excuse!

There are always steps you can take if you’re not getting the results you expected.

There are always people who can give you feedback…and there’s always a process you can put yourself through to recover and move forward!

Check out these highlights:

  1. [04:10] Update your home base: make sure your website, social media profiles, email signature, and sales page site are all updated to let people know that your launch is happening.
  2. [08:20] Why you should be using Facebook Live. Video gets a ton more engagement on Facebook and it’s much easier to reach people.
  3. [11:00] Turnaround strategies.
  4. [13:45] Celebrate your upcoming launch. Let people know how much time is left.
  5. [17:25] Be over the top. It’s your show. It’s your platform. It’s your stage. Start standing up.
  6. [20:05] Countdown. Use a countdown timer and set a deadline during the last 48 hours of your launch. You can do this on your sales page, website, e-mails, and social media.
  7. [22:35] Clarity sessions. These create opportunities to connect more directly with people. Some examples include Facebook Lives and 15-minute phone sessions.

Links mentioned in this episode:

Sumo Me*
Popup Ally*
Deadline Funnel*
Mail Motion App
20 Simple Launch Recovery Strategies
Debbie Hodge talks about using Facebook Lives during a launch
How to Launch Like J-Lo


Launch Workbook & Planner
Launch Turnaround PDF