
Everyone already does a lot…sometimes it feels like you’re putting in such a great effort to create systems and daily routines that you realize how hard it is to manage your schedule.

Whether it’s getting ready to have the kids go back to school or  you’ve decided to take that last end of summer vacation.

Changes in a schedule can throw a wrench into your business if you haven’t planned for them. Managing your schedule ahead of time can keep you and your business moving forward.

Since we’re all about forward motion, we knew we needed to bring back the well-organized entrepreneur herself, Melody Granger to give us some simple, foundational tips to help you manage your schedule, get more out of your day, and feel less overwhelm.

So – turn off Facebook. Stop looking at your inbox. Grab your calendars and lets get started!


Have you ever had those days, weeks or months when your anxiety levels rise because you don’t know how you’re going to get everything done?

Or do you ever have to switch your routine to adapt to other people’s presence…perhaps, when kids (or spouse/partner) are around way more than usual?

Or have you ever felt like you’re simply in “go, go, go” mode and just plain exhausted?

If you answered yes to any of the above, then steal these ideas, so we don’t have to put you in the crazy house when you’re brain and body yell “I quit!”

Here they are the 7 ideas you can steal to smoothly manage your schedule like a true pro working from home!

1. Pre-populate your calendar for the year:

Schedule personal and business commitments that you already know about, like vacations, birthday weekends, holiday trips, conferences, activities you’ll be participating in, etc. (Schedule the approximate dates, if everything isn’t confirmed just yet.)

2. Build in transition weeks:

Before and after really major launches, vacations, and busy seasons give yourself a week to transition yourself mentally and physically.  During this week tie up loose ends, relax, and take care of details that will prepare you to have a fantastic time. Don’t overcommit yourself to other people. Lay low. This transition week is especially important if you have children out of school for long periods of time or if they are heading back to school. You’ll get time to readjust to each other’s routines and resolve any kinks during the transition week. Don’t forget to add “Transition week” to your calendar!

3. Take recoup days:

After being away from home for days or weeks at a time, schedule in recoup days to get your bags unpacked, and acclimate back to your environment and routine. How much recoup time do you need? Well, everyone is different, but here’s an average formula that you can use: For every 3.5 days you’re away, give yourself a minimum of 1 day to recoup. For example, if you are away for 2 weeks, then 14 days divided by 3.5 = 4 days of recoup time. Go ahead and add “recoup” days, immediately following the getaways already noted on your calendar.

4. Schedule “silent work” days:

One day per week, I highly recommend you give yourself a full “silent work” day. Basically, don’t communicate with other people. Turn off the phone, email, Facebook…and turn on some music. Or simply enjoy the silence while working on your to-do lists. If you must, then take an hour at some point throughout the day to communicate with others. Schedule at least 1 “silent work” day for next week – right now.

5. Back fill your schedule:

Now that your schedule is shaping up, you can back fill commitments to others, projects, clients, etc. around your already known commitments, seasonal transition times, recoup days, and silent work days.

6. Manage your schedule like you mean it:

Try your best to get things done as efficiently as possible, so you aren’t playing catch up on your downtime or feeling completely wiped out on your uptime!

7. You write this one:

Let us know in the comments below what your number one trick is to managing your schedule 🙂

Now that your calendar is being proactively managed with your realistic time available and to keep your energy levels in check, you’ll probably begin noticing how much more smoothly you’re handling everything like a pro!


Melody Granger Outside by TreeMelody Granger, founder of The Well Organized Entrepreneur, helps optimistic entrepreneurial-spirited women get ahead of the biz & life game, one addicting streamlining strategy at a time. Her free guide reveals…”The Top 5 Flexible (Inexpensive) Office Organizing Containers I Count On When I’m Super-Busy (& Ready to Get Things Done!)”  Get the container guide.