It never fails…

We all know that we need to take the time – prepare – plan – especially when a launch is on the line.

But what often happens is someone comes to me with a launch less than 1 month away.

Now – I don’t like being the bearer of bad news – of the “don’t even think about launching” advice, but if you do want to launch with less than 3 months to prepare…here are 4 key elements that need to be strong, clear, and well-defined.

How to launch when you don’t have enough time (or less than 2 months)

1. Make sure your offer is rock solid

Talk about it out loud, tell your mom, your grandmother – get all the kinks worked out. Then, take it on the road with your ideal customers – tell them what you’re doing.

Here’s a hint you may not know – every person you consider a guru out there – shares their ideas with trusted advisors before they launch.  Before they put any time or energy into an idea.

Get a second opinion.

Do not – I repeat – do not launch unless there are people asking when the program is coming out, unless you’ve been told repeatedly by people you respect that it’s a good offer, and that your audience has demonstrated they are ready to “click” on TODAY.

2. Take the first step

Take action even if you don’t know all the steps.

The first step is defining your offer, who it’s for and finding out if they will actually buy what you are offering.

For the first 10 steps – grab my launch essentials toolkit and get started.

3. Don’t try to fit a square peg into a round hole – a.k.a. know your strengths

Launching takes many different skill sets.

Design. Communication. Tech. Management. Planning. Writing. Vision. And many others…

Figure out where you are strong – and only do those things.  There’s no time during a launch for you to be sitting in paypal figuring out how to make a button for your sales page.

Your head needs to be on the bigger vision – the outcome.

So – if you are bootstrapping – which you probably are if you are here reading this, then do ONLY what you are a genius at and you love.

I’ve seen many people who are amazing at project management flounder through a launch because it was too hard to switch from right brain to left brain activities.  It’s flipping hard to be the creator one second and the manager the next.  So – STOP IT.

Use the time in between launches to improve that skill – not during.

Which leads nicely to the next MUST HAVE when you have a launch looming weeks or days away!

4. Hire the A-Team

One of the first concepts you learn as you manage projects is – you have 3 elements at your disposal to complete any project.

You have the idea and within that is the scope of the idea, your resources (people or $), and the time you have to complete the project.

If you have a project to execute with lots of complexity but no time – then you must bring out the resources.

That means – hiring a team of people who will bring your idea to life and delivered to the world.

Examples of who’d you should hire with last minute online launches?

  • web developer and overall tech person
  • administrative help or virtual assistant
  • customer service
  • project manager
  • proof reader – link checker
  • copywriter – emails + sales page
  • graphics designer

There are several places to find this help and some of these positions can even be combined.  But you cannot expect to launch unless you’ve got some help – especially if you have a crunched schedule.

Now – It’s your turn.

I want to hear from you now.

What is the fastest launch you’ve ever done – and how did it turn out for you?

If you launched something quickly and didn’t get the results you wanted, what will you do different next time?

If you ACHIEVED SUCCESS, what did you do to make that happen in such a short period of time?

Fearless Launching early enrollment is open again right now! So if you want to learn how to launch – from idea to open cart, enroll today!