April 13th, 2017
50+ Questions To Ask Before You Relaunch Your Online Course
Are you getting ready to relaunch your online course or digital project?
Maybe you’re about to kick off a challenge other online event you do on a regular basis?
Well I normally talk about the pieces you need to pull together to put your launch together, but what about DELIVERING what you promised?
Yes, marketing is important, but you’ve also got to be able to back it up with an amazing experience.
It’s not enough to create a product that converts people to your customers or create content that converts people…
That’s why today, we’re talking about the delivery phase of a relaunch and how to make your product better, more valuable to your current, past and future customers…
It’s easy to be focused only on improving JUST marketing efforts during a launch. How to reach more people, convert those people to customers…how to get more webinar sign ups and all the emails you might be sending out to get people to take action.
But what about the transformation or the change and solution you’re promising?
Since I’ve been working toward an upcoming relaunch of Fearless Launching, I thought, why not share some of the questions that I ask myself about the program itself to improve it before new people come through the door.<
Make sure to click here to access this living document of questions to ask yourself if you’re relaunching a product.
It’s a google doc, so you can start using it right away or save it in your own Google Drive to use when you launch next.
Let’s get into today’s episode.
Here are the 6 areas you can review, explore, and aim to make better as you get ready to relaunch your online course
1) Assess The Current Situation
All this really means is to look at where the course or digital product is right now and determine what works well and what doesn’t. Simple as that. Some of the questions you might ask first include:
- Did you schedule or send out your post course survey?
- Meet with people in the program after you finished?
- Did people go through the program?
- Did people attend the group calls (if any?)
You’ll find more on the google doc I’m sharing with you, so make sure you grab it right here.
2) Take Inventory
Just like you need to do with all your marketing materials as you prepare for a launch, don’t skip taking inventory of all the things that you missed, wished you’d added, or want to remove from your product. You might not have all the answers, but what this does is start to create a list of what needs to be made or done by someone. Things included in this inventory list might be:
- Do you have communication or emails that could use a refresh?
- Will you invite past members?
- Do you have emails written for past members or clients or will you need to write new ones?
- What emails will alum get as opposed to new members?
- Did you update your course calendar?
3) What Can I Do Better?
You might think I’m only about the CBB list – which is simply a list of things you want to and CAN do better, but not right now…but I also think that at some point you have to either make it better or MOVE ON. This is your chance to take those things that you have on your CBB list, prioritize the things that will happen now…and get done by someone (or you). There’s always updates that might come to mind here…and you might ask:
- What things do my current students want in the program?
- What videos need updating?
- Are the slides on brand?
- Are there any off brand items that need to be cleaned up or made consistent?
- Do those transcript and worksheet templates really make sense in their current form?
4) What Can I Freshen Up?
I pulled all the “fresh” items into one category. This is where you want to ask, who can put fresh eyes on the product, the experience, and the customers in order to make things better? It’s also where you might ask, what new elements need to be added to the program in order to make the experience better? You’ll find these “fresh” questions on the Google Doc – they include things like:
- Where can I get some fresh eyes on the course, the experience, and have someone completely new weigh in?
- Did I send a post course survey and meetings with people?
- Have you identified a few stand out customers to be case studies?
- What can you improve or add to the experience to keep you, your new customers, and your past customers excited?
- Have I spent time brainstorming all the possible ways to improve the overall experience?
5) Re-Engage
Re-engaging the current community and customers or students is an important part of any launch. You want to prep the people who’ve already consumed your product, let them know they are important to the community, give them something to be excited too! Whether you require people to pay a fee to participate in each round of the program or it’s lifetime access, you’ll need to get people ready for a new batch of people!
Questions you might ask include:
- What’s my daily plan for making engagement a priority in the group?
- What regular ongoing events can I provide for the members?
- How often can I go into the group to chat with them and do impromptu events?
- When will I invite the current clients and students to the upcoming program?
6) Admin
Administrative work always has to be done to maintain, fix, and update any product before relaunch. If you’ve got a program that is open all year round, you’ll just need to decide how often you do these updates. Quarterly? Every 6 Months? Every year? Every 2 years?
It’s up to you:
- Who’s going to schedule and remind people in the group about the events?
- Do we need to update the group terms of use?
- Do I need a program terms of use and participate agreement sent to people?
Make sure to grab the full Google Doc over here – start with my questions and then add your own!
If you enjoyed this episode and would like more advice, strategies and support while you launch (and relaunch) your products and services, you’ll love Fearless Launching my signature program that provides just that for small business owners and entrepreneurs!