April 29th, 2014
A Simple Way To Find Out If Facebook Ads Work (and they do)
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If you’re running a business online, you’ve probably thought once or twice about trying out Facebook ads.
Back when I was still working at LKR, I remember when we started. It was all a test and over time, we got better at getting results and then better at monitoring our metrics and the performance of ads.
But it was never ME who actually set the ads up, so though I’ve known ads work to bring in new leads to a business, I’ve never fully jumped in!
My friend Amy Porterfield has nearly ambushed me when she found out I was boosting posts and trying out $10 a day…ad budgets. Laura and some on her team gave me the same “talking to” and even pointed me to the post they wrote on driving major traffic with Facebook Ads.
Finally, I decided to try ads out for a real launch – or at least leading up to the launch.
Listen in to this episode where I share:
how long in advance of a launch to run ads
what type of ad worked best for me
how long did it take to see results
what I didn’t know that I will do different next time
the exact leads brought in by 2 types of ads
…and I’ll also share my upcoming ads testing!
Here are the two ads I discuss in the podcast so you can see them:
Ad #1: This is my simple ad to drive people to the Launch Toolkit landing page.
Ad #2 for my Google Hangout to promote/open the Fearless Launching launch.
I quickly changed it to this more casual version which did bring more sign ups for the hangout.
Have you run a successful Facebook ad campaign?
Share your own results in the comments below!
Show Notes:
Blog post: How To Use Facebook Ads For Your Launch
Blog post: 4 Creative Ways to Target Your Email List with Facebook Custom Audiences
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photo credit: B.Romain via photopin cc
Hi Anne, great podcast! Love how you share all the details! Do you have any data that tracks performance of the fb names converting to customers? Thanks again!
Loved to listen to this episode Anne and I’m so glad you’re sharing your results. I’m all about experimenting with this too and mastering FB ads to drive new leads, new signups and engagement. So thanks for your tips and off to tweak more!
Ana, working on the conversion to customers part RIGHT NOW. So stay tuned for more updates on this and thanks for commenting!
I know they are such beginner results – Natalie! But working on another round of experimentation and monitoring the numbers more closely…I’ll be sharing more as I know more… Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
Thanks so much for sharing all of this, Anne, both in the post and the podcast.
I’m at the opposite end of this experiment right now: I also followed Claire’s guide (which is great, as is Claire) but in the first round and ended up with what I titled “The Slightly Sad Ballad of How I Paid $50 to add ONE of my Professional Friends to My List.” I detailed it on my Fizzle Progress Log: http://fizzle.co/forums/index.php?/topic/6730-progress-log-deron-at-bos-organization-professional-organizing-apple-tutoring/?p=57914 The second round I improved my ad images and copy but still ended up paying $25 for zero conversions.
Claire and I pow-wowed and I’m ready to try another round. I’m still optimistic that it will catch, but as you said near the end of the podcast it doesn’t work for everyone.
Thanks again for sharing, it’s helpful!
Deron – just so you don’t feel quite so bad…there are lots of folks who were doing it the same way for awhile, it was working well, and then all the sudden there seemed to be a weird anomaly where something wasn’t working…I can’t give details, but it happened to a few different people who run ads all the time.
I’ve just been through Amy Porterfield’s Profit Lab and it opened my eyes a lot. I was able to run a Likes campaign that went well and had a low CPC…and then another one just to my Launch Toolkit – with better results than before…so definitely don’t give up.
I found that my recent success was targeting custom audiences that were similar to my own current list. Mannn… I gotta do an updated podcast soon!
Thanks for sharing and I’ll check out that thread in Fizzle.co…and if you aren’t in Fizzle, get your buns in there.
Oh no, your PDF link isn’t working! Great podcast, you’ve got a really nice voice. Looking forward to more 🙂