March 21st, 2014
Kelly Kingman + Opportunities That Allow You To Learn (and grow your business too!) (FLS 009)
Do you only take on projects that you’re “qualified” to do?
Would you accept a client or project or job where you weren’t technically trained to do it, but you knew you could learn?
If you’re willing to be totally honest with the people involved, these types of opportunities might be more available to you than you think.
And that’s just what happened to Kelly Kingman!
Kelly has been an entrepreneur for long time… She started writing online in 2009 after being thrust into self-employment by a layoff at her day job. She used her mad writing and design skills to launch a successful ebook turned way-more-than-that Sticky Ebooks. She’s been featured on Problogger and several other high visibility sites.
But then – she took her passion for using visuals to strengthen communication and when the opportunity presented itself – she took it… jumping into the world of graphic recording.
But this isn’t the fist time she jumped into work that allowed her to tap into a passion or interest (and learn it while doing it!).
Her journey has many twists and turns though – and I wanted to share this different face of entrepreneurship. This one is marked with day jobs, partnering with others to extend your reach, moving in and out of self-employment…and always learning by doing.
So – if you’re still in your day job, our conversation will enlighten you that there isn’t one path to be building a business or being an entrepreneur.
Listen in to find out:
- How/why Kelly made the initial leap to self-employment
- Why she took a job after several successful years in the online business space
- What she struggled with once she accepted that job
- How she’s managed to keep her big why strong throughout
- How to get started using graphic recording (and graphic note-taking)
- Kelly’s take on presentation zen and how to have clear communication (especially on webinars)
Additional Resources
Kelly @ Content Marketing World
Content Marketing Institute on Graphic Recording
Ebook Evolution (aff)
Connect with Kelly
Your Turn
What lessons have you learned when you launched? Leave them in the comments below and feel free to share the details too!
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