How many of you live launch to launch? ‎E

You launch – make some cash for your business…then go silent for a month or longer…then rinse, repeat and either relaunch or launch something new.

This constant up and down can be really disconcerting if you’re a business owner.

It’s stressful…and it means that each launch dictates the survival or failure of your business.

What if you could create an ongoing incoming stream of income (or more than one) for your business? Imagine the load off your shoulders if you knew you were likely to have x dollars coming in each and every month?

Today’s guest Dean Patino is passionate about helping entrepreneurs create stability in their businesses…and he’s been so inspiring me to me this year, that I knew I had to share his genius with you too!

In this episode we talk about:

  • Dean’s story and how he’s been in the software industry since 1990
  • His first launch back in 1987
  • How he became the main facilitator inside Fire Nation Elite, John Lee Dumas’ online mastermind
  • Why recurring revenue is so important to the stability of your business
  • The reason why you need transactional launches AND ongoing regular streams
  • Why mirroring is a great way to make it “easy” for you to create a recurring revenue product
  • How Dean got his first customers in the Dollar Baseball Club

And soooo much more!

[bctt tweet=””You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help enough other people get what they want. ~ Zig Ziglar “” username=”@annesamoilov”]

Mentioned In This Episode

Dollar Baseball Club

Baseball Classics

Dollar Shave Club

Justin Williams

Stitch Fix

Free Resources!

1) Launch Planner: Grab this completely free launch planning workbook. Download, print, and start planning your launch today — don’t forget to add in the test and secure your website tasks!

2) Launch Systems Cheatsheet: A Free Checklist & Cheatsheet to make sure your systems are in order before you launch — plus the one I mentioned on the podcast today!

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It’s my goal with this episode to give you what you want – and sometimes what you didn’t know you wanted, so make sure you leave a comment below or simply reach out to me by email or using the form on the contact page.

Got an idea for a future episode? I’d love to know. Make sure to shoot me an email!