Ever thought of creating or launching a physical product

I have…and it shouldn’t surprise you that about a year ago I was entertaining the idea of launching a planner! After a few months of materials research, I made the decision to stop that process…and said, “nope”….I wasn’t ready to go down the road of manufacturing, choosing paper, testing, finding a printer.

Only a few short states away, my friend Briana who had been creating different types of products for years for her spa and massage clients (we’ll get into that in the episode)…was in the process of creating HER own planning system…one that included dreaming as an integral part.

She and her husband co-created the Rituals For Living Dreambook + Planner to assist people ready to transform their lives into something free, happy, and successful.

After gushing over the planner (as I always do), we got into into the conversation what it took to bring the unique product to do the world.

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But not only that…we also get into topics including:

  • starting her first businesses
  • creating and manufacturing physical products
  • hurdles to getting any new product to market
  • how they are introducing the Dreambook to the world
  • …a little about their Kickstarter for the Dreambook
  • her best advice for other planner creators

If you’re thinking about changing the way you live your daily life are simple ready for a change that lasts and not making any ole new year’s resolution…plus you love planners….you should check out the Dreambook. Briana’s dream is that you’ll find the Dreambook the perfect way to plan your dreams so they become your reality!

Here are some images inside the Dreambook so you get a taste of what Briana and Peter’s creation. ‎


[Tweet “Break down big goals into actionable steps. #Dreambook”]

Connect with Briana

The Dragontree

Briana’s website

Dreambook + Planner


Briana on Twitter

More Resources

1) Free Launch Planner: Grab this completely free launch planning workbook. Download, print, and start planning your launch today — don’t forget to add in the test and secure your website tasks!

2) Free Systems Cheatsheet: A Free Checklist & Cheatsheet to make sure your systems are in order before you launch — plus the one I mentioned on the podcast today!

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