If you’re building an online business, then you’ve likely seen or heard that upgrading to an email marketing provider or system is a must in order start making the big bucks.
Who knows why people actually believe that, but there are some really good reasons why you might want to switch to a more customizable marketing system.
But before we talk about my switch to Infusionsoft about 2 years ago, I want to make sure you know my stance on upgrading tools…
So, if you’re trying to decide whether or not to “upgrade”…
They are often not necessary or critical until they no longer work. I never suggest an upgrade or a tool/system change unless it’s going to revolutionize or fix a part of the business. And I definitely say no to upgrades that require you to move your entire list or marketing funnel right before a launch.
So knowing this, you may think my move to Infusionsoft was unnecessary, but the change falls under the “this revolutionized” my workflow and productivity. Plus, I did it at a time when a launch wasn’t imminent.
[smart_track_player url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/fearlesslaunching/055whyIswitchedtoIS_1.mp3″ color=”008494″ title=”Fearless Launching Show Episode 55″ ]
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- What led to my decision to switch email marketing providers
- Why Aweber no longer worked for me
- The main reasons I knew Infusionsoft was right for me
- Specific reasons and features that have kept me a customer.
Plus, I’ll talk about some of the downsides to the system, because as we all know, there’s no perfect service.
No time to listen? Here’s the summary:
Reasons I switched from Aweber to Infusionsoft:
1) using it all day long when I was with LKR – wanted to consolidate the systems in my head
2) one word tags
3) real list number
Reasons I’m staying an Infusionsoft Customer:
1) Everything under one roof
2) Using one system but still allows for extensions and add-ons
3) Tags – woah
4) Creating detailed marketing campaigns – follow up sequence on steroids
5) Customer service
Some Downsides To Infusionsoft:
1) Random glitches
2) Cost to get started
3) Learning curve
Resources Mentioned
*Not mentioned but I love that we both had this on our editorial calendars at the same time:
When Is The Right Time To Upgrade To Infusionsoft or Ontraport? xoxo Nathalie.
Things To Remember
Infusionsoft is not perfect, but over the years I’ve been able to mix my self-training with their documentation and on-boarding training. Remember — I used it daily for more than a year before deciding to switch.
You don’t need to switch or upgrade to Infusionsoft to “go pro.” Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact…and countless others do the job!
[Tweet “Don’t expect a tool or upgraded system to solve all your problems and it can’t fix a broken business.”]
Free Resources!
1) Free Launch Toolkit: Grab this evolving toolkit of resources that includes a launch planning workbook, templates to keep track of your launch and 2 mini master classes taken directly from Fearless Launching.
2) Free Launch Course: A FREE 5-day course that gives you a sample daily prompt to start working through your launch to do list.
What You Should Do Right Now
You’ve got 2 more things you can do right now – both require you to take one more action. If you’d be so kind and have a moment, I would so appreciate you even doing 1 of these…especially if you love the show and want to get featured on a future episode!
- First thing – Jump over to itunes to rate and review the Fearless Launching show and help other people find it too!
- Second thing — Let me know what you thought! Leave a comment below or shoot me an email!
- Third thing – You can also listen to all episodes of the podcasts over on the main show page here.
Can’t wait to hear more about what you use for an email marketing provider or if you’re considering an upgrade!
I totally agree about not switching systems when a launch is imminent. I lost that battle with a client of mine and with his launch approaching in less than 2 weeks it’s been a crazy ride trying to get his list of nearly 100K into IS, tagged properly, and on the right campaigns.
I’ve been there Deanna! I know your pain on importing a giant list like that!