January 12th, 2012
Welcome + Get Ready To Make Room For Your Revolution
Hi and welcome to AnneSamoilov.com. I’m Anne and today I wanted to share with you the answer to a question I’ve been asked a few times over the past 6 months since I changed the tagline of my site.
What the heck does make room for your revolution mean?
Well, grab a coffee/water/beverage of choice, then hit play on the video below…and I’ll tell you:
So, here’s the first thing you should know about this site and me. They are bound. They are one.
I believe we can’t somehow divorce ourselves from the art we create — even if we don’t believe what we’re creating is art.
I believe that everyone has a greatness inside them. A revolution. Something they were meant here to do and give to the world.
And I believe even the small revolutions are important to the world.
So – even if your gift to the world is one of patience and understanding…the benefit to the world and the people around you is HUGE.
I believe that you have a dream inside you that you haven’t had the courage to let out yet. Maybe you think it’s too simple or worse, you think it’s a “stupid dream”.
A stupid dream? I don’t think those exist.
We all get caught up in living – in the making money, survival mode – and those are important places to be – but not the only parts of true living.
Are you caught in that trap?
If you are or suspect that you need to make some space for your dreams – then you really are in the right place.
Big shocker – I believe in following your passion, doing work that matches your strengths and interests, and truly enjoying the small moments in life.
If this is your first time here, then check out the start-here page for some posts I’m really proud of — they let you in on what this site is all about. Also – make sure to sign up for email updates in the form below this post.
If you’ve been coming here for awhile – then welcome back! You’re going to love the changes that are coming for this site.
Before you close this page – answer these 2 questions for yourself:
- What’s your revolution?
- Are you ready to make room for yourself, that revolution, and the amazing life waiting for you?
I’m going to answer the question first – even though I kind of said it in my video.
My revolution – my thing – is to help people make room for their thing – and show them how to plan it, get support and make it a reality.
Am I ready to make room for myself and to take that revolution to the next level? You bet I am.
Of course since I am your mother, I will tell you how proud I am to call you my daughter. You are a gutsey, smart woman. I know that if I didn’t have access to your expertise and great insight into making changes in my life, I might just trod along through this life. You keep me on my toes. But then to give myself some credit perhaps I wouldn’t,as you are a part of me and I already think of these things in my own way.
Keep going Anne,you have truely been blessed.
I am making room and ready to discover my Revolution, my thing! Because of you, your writing, your insight and our conversations, I am starting to discover what that is…. thanks for putting me on the path Anne!
You’re so great Anne! 🙂
Go Anne!! It’s time for ALL of us to make room for ourselves, our revolution, and the amazing life waiting for us!! xo
I’m right in the middle of my own revolution, or as I like to say my renaissance period 🙂 I’m having a rebirth, getting back to me and what works and what I love.
Thanks Mom…you’re always such a huge support for me!
You know how much it means to me for you to chime in!
Eileen – YOU are the one helping me right now make room for this thing we got going on here! I’m so excited to get to work with you and it brings me back to the good ole days when we chased down digital artists for their shots.
I love it Sarah. I hear you and I see you…and it makes me so happy!
Thanks for commenting!
I knew you’d like the message. It seriously is time…
Stacey – um – you rock too! Thanks for taking the time to comment – and tell me I rock! That rocks!!
Gosh I need this! I have something calling me, something most people feel is crazy, childish, irresponsible. I need to figure out how to get there. Just “fell upon” your writing. Maybe it is a sign?
Making room is important – but it’s hard! Even when you are fully aware and excited about what your thing is – it’s like the world wants to conspire against you and not let you make it happen! Keep expressing yourself as honestly and openly as possible. Accept that you do have something great to share with the world. And then make the plan to make it happen… Without that acceptance and space…it’s hard to push anything forward.!
I discovered your site yesterday and I realy like you. You’re very smart. I lost my mom when I was 11 and she couldn’t teach me how to live. I have always looked for some answers for my question and some tips concerning life. Here I can find it. 🙂 Now I’m 18 and I want to make my life better, smarter or.. you know what I mean. I want to grow into a wise woman :).
PS: I come from Poland and I probably make errors. I hope you can understand my writing 🙂 Here I can improve my English.
Thank you for message. Your words seriously warmed me up today – it’s cold, snowy and lots of work to do! I can understand you completely and I look forward to sharing my knowledge with you.
Feel free to email me directly with any questions or if you need any specific help 🙂
Hello, this is my first time here, and I really liked what I saw.
I’ll come and visit you again. And again, I think.
I’m just ready to reorganize my life to make more room for myself and what I love doing. Hope this will help. So thank you.