Have you ever wondered why you had a successful launch or NOT so successful launch?

Of course, you have! We all have!

Even after you download the complete checklist, do all the things, run all the ads, and can honestly say you’ve even written/sent multiple multiple closing day emails…it’s a great practice to review what happened during the launch…the good, the bad, and all the things you’ll never do again!

Today I’m going to share with you exactly what you were missing–even if you followed a perfect launch blueprint. Just like there are 2 sides to any story. There are 2 sides to launching.

Understanding these two perspectives of a launch is very powerful when creating products or services for your business.

If you want to review your launch in a different way to see exactly what worked and what you need to improve – let’s dive in!

<iframe src="//html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/15465083/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/backward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/008494/" height="90" width="100%" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>

Episode Timeline:


Launch Roadmap PDF

Free On-Demand Masterclass

The Launch Incubator

Fearless Launching


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Thank you again to everyone who’s made this podcast possible. So – thank you for listening to me now for the first time or continuing to support Fearless Launching.

Thank you SO much for being here, I so appreciate it.

See you next week!