Fact: Content creation doesn't have to be hard or a struggle.  You have the time and ability to be creating more content than you thought humanly possible.

Blog posts. Emails. Guest posts. Book draft. Proposals. Products. Outlines for products. Tweets. Facebook messages. Click to tweets. Launch content. Launch emails. Shall I go on?

If you’re running an online or offline business, have a blog or company website, or use content as your central point of marketing and teaching, you’re going to realize QUICKLY how much content you have to create.

Are you struggling with the idea that of how to start creating more content — and knowing how much is enough? What's the secret to effortless content creation?

Well you’re in luck…today we’re going to talk about how you can get through that sometimes mountain of content you need to create.

We’ll go through:

  • Options for getting help or completely creating your content for you

  • How to decide if farming it out is a good choice for you

  • My almost obvious method for creating loads of solid content

And at the end I’ll even issue you a challenge if you’re up for it!

The obvious way to get the job done

Handing the job to someone else is always an option…whether that’s the right option, we’ll get to that later.

For now – know that these are some of the ways you could be getting a little help with all that creatin’.

You could:

  • Do it all yourself and make sure nothing goes out without you being the one to publish it.

  • Hire a content manager and have that person write and submit your guest post pitches and write/manage your newsletter – with you monitoring and tweaking it only to match your voice.

  • Hire someone to write, schedule and maintain your social media – again only you keeping an eye on voice.

  • Hire someone to manage you and tell you what to write and by when.

  • Hire someone to ghost write everything.

Side note: I have only hired one of these types of people and it’s for writing social media – and I made sure the social media messages were all based directly on my existing blog or email content.

Is farming out the work really a good idea?

Sure it sounds glamorous – maybe even like an impossible dream.  Be cautious.

When you’re first establishing your brand, your voice, your whole point of view, before you have your first product, before you have a clear form for what you create on a regular basis, it’s a good idea to do a lot of the heavy lifting.

I’m not saying you have to do it all alone, but it’s better to do way less content completely written and created by you then it is to hire someone especially when you’re first starting out.

The only time I might think it’s okay to farm out is if you’re able to communicate your core values and brand tone to someone else.  Usually – the person who initially starts a company, comes up with the idea, that’s where it’s the strongest. YOU.

If you want to create something that leaves a mark on people, you’ll have to play the starring role.

The easy way to get the job done

Knowing that – I’ve had to create a simple way to keep my creation stream squeaky clean and am always moving some creative project forward.

Here’s my process for staying ahead of the curve, stress-free, and always creating.

I use this for every single piece of content I create. Even if something’s going to end up on video – it starts in the written form.

So for the moment – forget about the end format – this is what to do at the start!

Here’s my process for staying ahead of the curve, stress-free, and always creating.

The secret is in the layers

I might start on a blog post weeks in advance because I let it marinate.  I like the flavors to come out as I spend more time thinking about a topic and tweaking the words. I like to tweak the content as I go…

Each pass over the work, my ideas get more solid and detach from the work enough to see if it’s truly valuable.

When I use this exact framework, my best work comes out.  Even when I’m rushed for time – I write without stopping, drop it for awhile (even 1 day), come back and revise.  So – don’t think you have to have a million things in your oven for 6 months.  The turnaround time can be short.

Can you do it?

Are you up for trying out my workflow?  Use the layering process on your next 2 blog posts, product, whatever you are just about to start.

Start your first layer right now.

  • Lay down the bones of the work.

  • Make sure the framework is set and you’re covering 3-5 main points.

  • Go back and start filling in the blanks.

See how it feels to spread out the process and to keep going back over the whole thing to make it better!

What's your biggest  (I mean the one that keeps you up at night) content creation struggle!