I’m proud to announce this first installment of my Featured Launches column.  I’m a launch nerd, but when someone stands out, is looking to educate even without making the sale, and just shows some extra spark, I have to shout it out just a little bit louder.  Today – I’m sharing an interview with Erin Giles creator of a unique program called Rocket Your Revolution which brings together profit and philanthropy!

1. Tell me about your very first launch and what struggles you faced that first time out!

My very first launch was an eBook I wrote in my first few months of consulting called Give it Away Now. Because I didn’t have clarity and confidence in my business, I wrote something just to put something out there…and the sales confirmed that for me.

Once I did that it only took a few months before I realized I needed to shift everything in my business meaning that book had to come down, and it did.

After the busy-ness of a launch you know something isn’t you when you’re not excited to talk about it and this book was that for me.

2. Do you think things shifted once you had people’s eyes on you as you were putting together the End Sex Trafficking book?

Without a doubt. Creating something that wasn’t about me was like a magnet drawing people to me + my do good mission. The people I had on pedestals were emailing and tweeting me introducing themselves and asking what they could do to support the book. After I had achieved the enormous task of raising $10,000 in a month on my own site, I felt good.

I then realized just how powerful creating something bigger than yourself and from your heart was for business.

3. Did you launch on your own or did you have any help – like with the marketing strategy, planning, and implementation?

I launched on my own – which I don’t recommend, I was completely exhausted and felt as though I was totally neglecting my husband and daughter. But in that experience I learned a lot about what I do and don’t enjoy doing and now know for this year what I should outsource.

4. Now I know you did a second launch of this program too… tell me how that launch was different from the first one?

The second launch was so different. In the beta round there was soooo much excitement around it because of the women I was surrounded by in the Morning Whip course, the playground in which I created it. The second launch, I was busier because End Sex Trafficking Day was quickly approaching and I couldn’t do everything I wanted to do promotion wise.

There is a lot to be said for a beta test version, for anyone out there about to launch one, enjoy it because I truly feel there is no other time like the first time. Take in every moment.

5. Were there elements of your  launch, of the program content, that you knew you wanted to improve, but also knew you had to get it out the door? (referring to my beta version here)

Yes, and although I personally felt disorganized and a bit chaotic because of it everyone had glowing testimonials after the program was over, so in the end I felt good.

6. So – I know you have a background in event planning – so this whole launching thing must have felt very similar in many ways… true? not true?

Definitely! Although it’s a bit scarier launching your own stuff out into the world, it’s nicer knowing all of the flexibility and decisions lie in your own hands. My event planning experience helped me get organized and get the rocket moving so I didn’t sit with an idea for too long without moving forward.

7. What do you think the 3 biggest outcomes of your first and second launch were – money, list growth, reach?

I would say confidence, reach and money. My course as well as my newest eBook Amp Your Ask were the most successful launches I’ve had in terms of pushing my fears aside, shipping it and working my butt off so that I could be profitable. And I say reach because with what I do being so different, it really turns heads because it’s not your average launch.

8. How do you think launching something that benefits other people (like a non-profit, philanthropic topic) makes launching – easier? more difficult?

I believe it’s easier especially for newbie launchers because it’s not about you. All of your tweeting, sharing, promoting and blogging is about your why, your cause that is straight from your heart. Anyone can do that, you just have to start by recognizing what the cause(s) is you’re passionate about.

9. What’s your favorite launch ever?

My eBook, Amp Your Ask because it was quick and with so many people knowing how many big successful asks I made with End Sex Trafficking Day it reached a lot of people. I had a lot of fun writing it and found that having products that don’t have a closing cart date aren’t as stressful because it’s always up and can sell at any point.

10. Your Rocket Your Revolution is what I call a legendary launch – when you hear that or read those words, what makes a launch legendary?

Well, first I just have to say thank you, it’s an honor to hear that. In hearing that, it’s so easy to dismiss it as an artist and entrepreneur because you think “nah, I just did what I felt I had to do at the time and got it out there.” But really you have to give yourself permission to be ok with having a legendary launch and think, “yes I did that!”

What do I hope for with this? I hope it inspires others to be courageous and have legendary launches too that will change the world even if in a small way. Because after all, hope is alive and it’s inside of you.

I completely agree Erin! When you create an event that is beautiful, has a clear objective to help others, and you leave even just the launch lurkers a little bit more educated – that, my friend, is a Legendary Launch.  People remember.

Erin Giles is the founder of End Sex Trafficking Day and Business Philanthropy Consultant that teaches businesses how to build philanthropy into their business with her online course Rocket Your Revolution. Want to talk to Erin up close and personal? Make sure to check out her FREE Launchpad Live event on February 14th!