Today’s podcast is going to challenge you to face your current money mindset. Before we dive in, let me ask you a few questions!

Are you making money in your business? 

Have you had a successful launch where you actually made sales?

Are you happy with the amount you’re making?

Do you have trouble setting prices for your products and services?

If not, you’re not alone. If you want your business to grow…that means you want to make more money!

And – it also means, that you may have some work to do…


Today’s guest on the podcast is Denise Duffield Thomas. She’s well known for her work helping women entrepreneurs break through their internal blocks around money and then helping them make more of it!

Denise and I get into a ton of topics fast…including:

  • What Denise is focused on this year in her business and why it’s nothing NEW
  • Who we both have learned to “cut through the crap” from…
  • Can you get to 6 figures by yourself or do you need a huge team?
  • Her first launch…
  • How she looks at over-delivering when you launch
  • The most common money blocks entrepreneurs face
  • Why launching brings up so much money resistance
  • How to get clear on your launch money goals
  • How she approaches launching and what she’s doing differently this year

Once you listen to this episode, re-ask yourself the questions above to see if your money mindset shifted at all? I know my own journey following Denise helped me create some quick shifts in that area – so I’d love to know if you did too!

[bctt tweet=”I serve. I deserve. – Denise Duffield Thomas”]

Plus so much more!

Connect with Denise

Denise’s Blog
Denise on Twitter
Denise on Instagram

Resources mentioned

MONEY Master the Game: 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom*
The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level*
My First Year in Business: Behind the Curtains and How Much I Made
Challenges & Successes From My Second Year In Business (& How I Doubled My Income)
Best Month Ever series on Denise’s blog