June 16th, 2017
How To Create A Solid Launch Map In 8 Simple Steps
Does the idea of planning your next launch make you cringe?
Does it bring up sudden waves of overwhelm?
If you simply do not enjoy planning and like to let your business, projects and promotions roll out organically, today’s episode is for you.
We’re talking about create a launch map INSTEAD of simply planning your launch.
Because the truth is – planning as you might know it (and hate it) does not work for launches.
And – you can no longer fly by the seat of your pants.
So instead of creating a schedule or following a checklist, we create a map that gives us direction, keeps things moving in a forward direction toward the results you want to achieve.
If you want to create a map that’s actually useable and reliable — and also one that gets you to your final launch destination, there are 8 critical elements you need to include.
In this episode, you’ll learn all about creating a launch map…
- why it’s important to create a complete map,
- 8 important elements to include in a launch plan (or map),
- how far in advance to create your map
- …and the huge opportunity you lose out on by NOT creating a full picture of your launch in advance.
If you want help creating your next launch map, I’m doing a live workshop on June 30th. You can be part of the live workshop, get guidance directly from me, and then lifetime access to all updates to the workshop – right here.
I’m going to help you create a fully fleshed out launch map. One that you’ll turn into your complete launch to do list.
Behind every successful launch I’ve worked, there’s been a clear, well-thought out plan. Before the product was finished.
Before the partners were contacted. Before the open-cart date was defined. Before the team was assembled. The launch plan and scheduled served as the bones for everything.
And, I’m teaching a live workshop at the end of June to help you assemble your own map.
So, if you’ve got at least 6-8 weeks before your next launch, carve out time, sit down with others doing the same thing, get support…and attend my workshop:
Plan With Me: Create Your Next Launch Map Live workshop is available now:
Go here now and read all the details!
Carve out 2 hours this month to get this map created for your next launch!