It happens to all of us.

We crave inspiration–whether we’re stuck writing a blog post or need a push to spark us into action on a launch.

One of my favorite ways to nurture ideas and get re-excited to complete or kick off a project is to acknowledge the things in my world that are inspiring me–unexpected inspiration, the stuff that hits you out of the blue is the best in this category.

I think it’s definitely that time of the year when we’re reflecting, when we’re planning, when we’re thinking about our vision for the next year.

So what do you do? Where do you turn?

Do you press your nose to the grindstone? Get out of the building, shut off social media?

Where do you go for inspiration?

I don’t know about you but I get tired towards the end of the year and it’s not that I don’t have ideas for things that I want to do, I actually think that the number of ideas kind of gets all muddled.

In this episode, I share:

  • The brands, entrepreneurs, and tools that are on my fall favorites list
  • Why sometimes you can get inspired to action in the most unexpected places
  • What each one has to do with my business and what you can learn about your own work too!
  • Why you should look under the surface of what inspires you to learn something new about your business
  • And you might just discover something or someone you become obsessed with!

This is a fun short episode – perfect for the end of the year when taking in too much information is literally the last thing on your mind.

Enjoy and get inspired.


Mentioned On The Episode

Sarah Harris – Vogue UK


Looking For Launch Resources?

Free Launch Workbook/Planner: Grab this completely free launch planning workbook. Download, print, and start planning your launch today — don’t forget to add in the test and secure your website tasks!

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