why you should be testing in your business

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut in your business?

Day after day, week after week, you do the same things… never really trying anything new?

You’ve got your podcast and your webinars and your blog posts and your social. And not to say what you’ve got happening doesn’t work, but do you ever wonder if it could be better?

If you do wonder that, do you keep looking for that thing that will change, improve, or help you grow?

What about doing something slightly different–that doesn’t require you to change everything or hire anyone.

The best thing you can do is test something. Actually, start testing many things!!

That’s what we’re talking about today – why running tests is so important for your business.

So, if you’re ready to shake things up, today’s episode is for you.

In today’s episode, I’m covering:

Here are 5 tests we’re running in my business right now:

  1. I’m testing out some new pieces to my podcast system (and refining the process which hasn’t really been perfect ever).  We’re doing this from the batching of content (massive batching) and also to the way the podcast is distributed. Why are we doing this testing and refining? Because I am bringing on sponsors to the podcast and want them to know we have our -Ish handled!
  2. Moved to a brand new email marketing provider – and with that is a lot of learning, testing, seeing what works, understanding…so that we can use the platform to its fullest! We moved because there’s so many good things about this platform…and I can’t wait to be able to share our own unique funnels, automations with students and clients. But for now, we’re tweaking what we have to make them work!
  3. Facebook Lives – this is a new content piece we’re adding on a weekly basis. I may do them in 8-10 episodes per season. We just had our first one this week, I’ll post the link to it in our show notes. We’re looking for new ways to make content creation easy for us…so that I can supplement normal episodes with these live broadcasts.
  4. New offer– I’ve got a live event coming up in a few months that I’m planning and will announce soon. I’ve wanted to have regular events but it’s always felt so difficult, so we’re looking at 1 day event here in LA, with me, to plan out your next launch. If you’re interested in that, the best thing you can do is head over to FB, join my free FB group, the Launch Lounge and you’ll learn about it first.
  5. Facebook Ads– this means I have a little more skin in the game. Trying out different types of ads, videos, engagement, conversion ads as a way to build our audience and also drive traffic to our masterclasses!

Mentioned In Today’s Episode:

Attend Anne’s Weekly Facebook Lives series
Join the Launch Lounge Anne’s Free Facebook Group
Sign up for our launch masterclass
Active Campaign*

Now It’s Your Turn:

Ready to take action? Share what you want to test in your business! Have fun with it and leave a comment below on where you want to experiment!

“why testing is essential in business