October 24th, 2019
Visibility 101: How To Show Up When Life Is A Complete Mess
Visibility. It’s one of those things we know we need to make happen in our business, for instance, being visibile helps us attract new subscribers. Also, during we know we need it to launch our products and services too. So, then, why does it feel so hard?
Sweet sweet visibility. I mean, how do I stay visible?
How often do we need to show up live, share how our business can help other people, and what exactly do we do on the days when we’re honestly not feeling it on any level?
What do we do on the bad days when we have a fight with our spouse, or a close relative passes, or a child gets sick, or we get sick?
My guest today knows exactly what to do…and is here to guide us to being able to show up no matter what’s going on in life.
You might be surprised what it takes to be visible, stay visible…and stop ghosting your audience!
Kate and Anne Discuss Visibility…
In today’s episode, we discuss:
- Kate’s early career as a social worker and how she picked up a side hustle of coaching for “fun”
- What she discovered about visbility as she began to build her online business (in the midst of babies and early motherhood and seeing clients)
- How she helps women start where their at…with some simple ways to be visible even when you’re not feeling it
- The benefits of staying visibile as your business grows and/or changes
- Kate’s advice for staying ahead in the visibility game
And so much more!
Connect with Kate
“Thinking Like A Boss” (available for pre-order)
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