I originally published a version of this post back in November 2012, but I was struck by how much of it holds true even now for me as I move into my 4th year offering Fearless Launching. Have I followed my own advice? Am I less stressed? Less exhausted? And I challenge you to ask yourself the same.
You’ve got this launching thing down.
You did your first product launch – not a lot of sales, but your list grew, you’re getting rave reviews about your program. You done good.
You are excited – a little pumped – and extremely proud of yourself. You feel like finallyyyy “you get it”.
But you’re feeling something else too.
You keep thinking, “I’m supposed to do this again?”
How are you supposed to turn back around and do another one? I mean really?
Another one? This year? AGAIN??
The emotional rocking that happens during a launch can’t really be understood until you go through it. Putting yourself out there, putting your energy into a launch, being open to that success or failure. It’s draining on so many levels.
And – if it’s draining for you – it’s draining for your customers too.
But you can avoid launch exhaustion easily.
With what I like to call – A PLAN. (shocker, I know!)
Now – honestly, when I say plan, I don’t mean you create something that you never revisit or change. Planning in my world is creating a map for the actions I take…one that I can change anytime things aren’t going a direction I’m happy about.
Before we get into the FIXES for launch exhaustion, watch this video where I talk about the different people and places it can hit.
[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6C5Rg17sAk[/youtube]
Here are 3 choices to plan for a year of productive, profitable and NON-EXHAUSTING Launches.
All you have to do is pick a path and make the plan.
*All these options assume you do have a product you consider your main/primary focus.
If you do not, you need to spend time listening to your audience, determining your own strengths and expertise, and then creating something for those people that sits in the middle!
Path #1: Signature + Upsells
Take your primary product and pick a date each quarter to launch.
Add another product/promotion to sell to the customers after they finish that signature product.
Your focus is always on that MAIN product. In order for this to work, you need to give, give, give amazing value at each step of the process. So – even the way you end your program is important… so making the offer to that next product feels natural.
The simple tip is to keep asking yourself if you are taking care of people at every part of the program — moment of purchase through finish of the program.
Path #2: Evergreen + Upsells
Turn your main product into an evergreen program that can be on autolaunch or at least somewhat auto-pilot. Then, add another product/promotion to sell to the customers of that signature product.
Extra credit: Add a mini product offer inside your autoresponder series attached to your primary lead generation (opt-in) that leads them into the signature product.
Do the same thing each quarter. There’s a little on auto, a little on manual mode. You get to focus your attention on lead generation and building relationships with new people and maintaining the ones with your current customers. You’ll also have more time for outreach and tightening up the important systems.
Path 3: Put It All On Auto
Turn your main product into an evergreen program that can be on autolaunch.
Add an offer to your main product customer sequence to the next product they should take after the MAIN one.
Extra credit: Create a mini product and offer it in your opt-in autoresponder sequence. Then, also add emails that invite into signature product.
Everything’s on auto – but your manual work – the work that matters, must happen in your free content. Your focus is on the marketing–content, outreach, ads (if you do that), pr. Plus, you’ll now have time to set up important systems like analytics and tracking.
Path 4: DYLP (design your launch plan)
Come up with a repeatable planned launch that will happen throughout the year. You choose the frequency – every 6 months, every quarter, once per year. You choose.
Then – pad in around that main launch other smaller promotion type launches – smaller ones that can feed into your bigger, more prominent offering.
Or – don’t pad it all. Just do the main launch. It’s up to you.
Keep it simple.
No matter what you do…
Spend some time TODAY thinking about how you can structure next year, so you don’t get exhausted, your customers will feel taken care of (and not smothered).
Why you cannot disappear when you automate
So you’ve got it made right? Products on autopilot. Money coming in while you sleep? Time to go on a 5 month sabbatical and go off the grid. HALT my friend.
Sadly, this is NOT the way it works.
As it turns out – the more auto your products are – the more hands-on free, valuable training you should do for leads, subscribers.
You need to be relevant, visible, and active to keep yourself established as an authority on your topic.
You need to be around, be active…and stay involved in the conversation.
You can’t just set it and forget it.
Sorry – I know…it’s a utopia we all start to wish for after doing that first really big tough launch.
Here’s How To Stay Engaged With A Hands-Free Product:
- Monthly calls for current customers
- Facebook group or forum for current customers
- Weekly email
- Updated toolkit/optin/tools/resources
- Regular blog posts
- Interviews
- Guest on Summits
- Guest posts
- Weekly free webshow
- Quarterly free 15 minute sessions
- Local live workshops
- Free webinars
Time To Get Down To It
Step 1: Choose a path or make your own path – it doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you do make a plan for your launches over the next year.
Step 2: If you choose to automate your product launches, what actions will you take on a regular basis to make sure people know you are relevant, present, and an authority on your topic?
Check out my On-Demand training End Launch Exhaustion to make a plan to help you avoid launch exhaustion.
*Also, I’d love to hear from you. If you’ve been launching products or services for awhile now…how do you structure your year to prevent your own, your audience’s and team burnout?
Additional Resources:
Fearless Launching opens enrollment for the only live session of 2015 on May 5th! Get on the early notification list to find out first the second we open the doors.
Launch Essentials Toolkit is a completely free resource kit to help you plan your first launch. Everything from figuring out your launch plan to hiring team members and how to write those pesky launch emails are included. Plus – training bites from inside Fearless Launching.