Do you have an old product that’s officially available to purchase still but you haven’t really done anything with in a long time?

Maybe you even removed it from your shop or products page?

If so – today’s episode is for you because we’re diving into how to breathe life into old products that we thought weren’t sell-worthy.

Do you have an old product you’re not sure what to do with?

Here’s one of the digital products I found and what I’m doing with it!

A few weeks ago my content strategist “found” my very first product–The White Space Solution.

“How did I not know about this?” she shrilled at me over the voice message. I laughed and then thought for a moment about the product.

We started talking about the possibilities for it, was it right to dust off and share again? Did it fit with the current brand?

And all the sudden, something clicked for me. I got so excited about the possibilities of bringing the book, the ideas, the concept back to life. And the ideas were seriously flowing!

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Listen as I talk about a few things you can apply to your own old products:

  1. Does it fit with you overall brand or brand message?
  2. Do people want it?
  3. How much work will it take to refresh?
  4. Can the work be delegated?
  5. Will it take your focus off your main offerings? And is that okay?
  6. When do you want to relaunch it to the world?
  7. Are you at excited about the product? (This one’s a biggie, so don’t avoid this question.)

This short and sweet episode will give you an inside look into my business, how I decide to get rid of KEEP things. And you’ll also hear me talk about a concept I haven’t talked about in awhile, but is at the core of how I run my business and live my life.

Hint: It’s got everything to do with my found product.

Mentioned In This Episode

The White Space Solution (this is the current version and will be taken off the shelves in September when we start work on the 2nd edition of the book)

Free Resources!

1) Launch Planner: Grab this completely free launch planning workbook. Download, print, and start planning your launch today — don’t forget to add in the test and secure your website tasks!

2) Live Launch Class: Sign up to attend our next webinar all about the First 10 Steps to A Successful and Stress-Free Launch. Perfect for beginners or those of you who need a refresher!

3) Launch Systems Cheatsheet: A Free Checklist & Cheatsheet to make sure your systems are in order before you launch — plus the one I mentioned on the podcast today!

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It’s my goal with this episode to give you what you want – and sometimes what you didn’t know you wanted, so make sure you leave a comment below or simply reach out to me by email or using the form on the contact page.

Got an idea for a future episode? I’d love to know. Make sure to shoot me an email!