Launching requires confidence.

I think we all know this. It seems obvious.

Confidence in yourself, your products, the results you deliver…and even confidence that you can help people!

But – it’s a funny thing. When we’re doing something for the first time, it’s challenging to be sure that it’s going to work…so we might question ourselves.

People have different reactions to the fear of launching. You might not be able to squash those fears entirely, but there are 4 things you can do, skills you can build to allow you to actually launch (even if you’ve never done it before).

This week’s guest is Amy Latta, The Confidence Coach. She has some real, down to earth advice you can put in motion TODAY.

If you want to be more confident, feel more ease as you work toward your launch, and gain some tools to get you back on track when you have a “moment” or two…today’s episode is for you.

Episode Highlights

  • Why it’s normal to think we “can’t do this” when we do anything that we haven’t done before
  • Is confidence a skill or are we born with it?
  • How we know we need help building our confidence
  • What is confidence?
  • Why some people seem to be more confident naturally
  • Why it feels like there are times when you lose confidence and then question it there.
  • Launching brings up all kinds of demons – and one bad result can make you feel like you are nothing!
  • 4 skills to help you create more confidence
  • What are some easy ways to start being more confident?
  • What Amy’s working on right now that she’s super excited about?

Spoiler Alert: 4 Skills To Create More Confidence

  1. Feel the discomfort of it not working – a willingness to feel whatever comes up.
  2. Having your own back – avoiding any sort of trash talk if something doesn’t “work out”.
  3. Managing our thoughts about ourselves – what do we make our launches mean about ourselves? Good or bad – can NOT make the launch define our worth?
  4. …you’ll have to listen! We meandered back to this…as a strategy.

Now It’s Your Turn

As Amy mentioned on the show, “Information is NOT Transformation”… Soooo…did you have a personal a-ha moment while listening today? What was something you heard today you can move forward with?

Leave a comment below and let us know what blew your mind and why!


Mentioned On Today’s Episode

Have a great rest of your week and I’ll see you next Thursday!

how to build launch confidence with amy latta