Make a list. Give yourself a deadline. Take action every day.
You know the drill to reaching your goals. And it’s worked time and time again for you…until now.
Now, it seems like the end result isn’t getting any closer. No matter what you do.
What gives?
I’ll give you a hint.
It’s got everything to do with the fact that your goal doesn’t have a cookie cutter or known path.
You can’t follow a formula for something you are pretty much discovering as you go along!
If you choose a path with unknown or hidden milestones, how can you follow this blueprint?
The truth is – you can’t.
There are so many reasons you haven’t finished that project, reached that goal you set years ago, or even taken the first step.
And it’s those reasons that have been holding you back.
Each reason is a roadblock to your ultimate success.
So – without mincing words….you gotta shut up about why you haven’t reached your destination.
Yes, it is important to identify the blocks in your path, but once you do, don’t cling to them.
In fact, you need to let those blocks go as quickly as you discover them.
Too easily they become your story of struggle – giving you more purpose than reaching the goal.
What I haven’t let on about yet is that there’s another little thing that’s stopping you from reaching your goals. Yes, the path may be unknown and your normal formula won’t work. Yes, you have been clinging to your reasons instead of acknowledging and letting them go.
But the biggest goal blocker of all is fear. Fear comes in a few different spots along the road to any goal.
I’ve faced them all and wanted to share 3 big ways you can become fearless as you work towards any big dream. If you work tirelessly to grow your business, you’ll have to face this fear at some point…and fear will visit you along your journey in many forms.
Find out how to stop holding yourself back because you think you’re not ready. Most likely you are beyond ready to bust out and go for that big thing you’ve been thinking about. You are ready to start that business. You are ready to lose the weight. You are ready to be happy in your relationships.
Too often we stick to goals and lists of to-dos that we made years ago. We grow and change and sometimes our goals grow and change too. When we cling to the dreams that no longer fit our lives or serve us for whatever reason, we are stopping ourselves from reaching other outcomes, other goals. Find out how to revise your goals or completely drop them if they just aren’t working!
Learn how to surround yourself with like-minded people even if you don’t have a ton of friends or a big social network. Support is always part of any goal setting I do for myself. You need the right support if you want to get to your desired finish line.
And that’s just the beginning…
…So make sure you enter your email address, and sign-up for Anne Samoilov updates.
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Each week I tackle topics that make us think too much, complicate our business and lives, and then I break it down…and simplify it.
Hope to see you there –
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